Below you'll find all the details you need to know about the two ways to request reviews using SellerTools. Once reviewing, please feel free to reach out with any specific questions and we are happy to help.
Pricing: In-App review request is available to paid SellerTools subscribers (all plan levels)How to access:
How to trigger: Sends requests automatically: based on rules set in-app, see rules options below 👇🏻Rules: There are two types of rules you can configure in the SellerTools app:
How far back can you go with orders?SellerTools can send review requests for orders placed in the last 60 days (automatic, if rules are met), but only eligible orders will be triggered: 5-30 days after delivery window.Repeat buyers:You can specify the number of purchases a customer must have made before requesting a review from them. This is helpful for finding your highest-quality customers who may be more likely to respond well to a review request. You can configure these rules:
Pricing: Free. You must have a Seller. Tools account login but you do not need to have a paid subscription.How to access:
How to trigger:Manual trigger in Seller Central (you will see the extension features inside your seller central orders page once you install the extension). You will need to request reviews this way daily to capture all your potential reviews.Rules/ Filters:Rules are not available for the extension. However, you can use Amazon filters on your order page to isolate the orders you want to request a review from.
How far back can you go with orders?All orders, which are listed on Seller Central, but only eligible orders will be triggered: 5-30 days after delivery window.Repeat buyers:Simple check box to request reviews from repeat buyers only is available on your orders page in seller central.