Zt Automation: What is Keyword Miner? What is Term-Inator?

What is Keyword Miner? What is Term-Inator?

The Keyword Miner (KWM) does what all business owners, PPC managers, or virtual assistants should always be doing:

  1. Going through the Custom Search Term Report several times a day
  2. Extracting all the terms that are converting within the defined boundaries of your rules/thresholds
  3. Adding these search terms to your PGN.

KWM works only with your PGNs

When you create campaigns in ZonTools, a specific set of campaigns are created:
(1) Exact, (2) Phrase, (3) Broad, (4) Automatic/EAT, and (5) PAT campaigns.

This set of campaigns are built in our ZonTools system accordingly, in a structured as an ecosystem of campaigns in what we call Product Group Network (PGN).

Thus, through our proprietary system of campaigns, we manage better the automation of your campaigns because we built the structure itself.

Within each PGN, the Keyword Miner looks for relevant custom search terms and keep adding them to your PGN. Since we know where to add them, adding them will not affect the performance of your products or your campaign.

How does Keyword Miner conduct keyword mining?

Whenever KWM finds a search term, these are added to your campaigns:

Exact Campaign

Exact Match

Phrase Campaign

Phrase Match + Negative Exact Match
(Search Term Isolation)

Broad Campaign

Broad Match + Negative Phrase Match (Search Term Isolation)

This allows you and the system to have an extremely segmented set of campaigns which is more efficient as such entails preventing you from competing one campaign against another of your campaigns.

What is Term-Inator?

Term-Inator (TI) is your automation engine that constantly scans your Amazon reports and negates any term that causes bleeding where needed, improving your Auto, Broad, and Phrase campaigns matching capabilities.

  • Like the Keyword Miner, TI works only with PGNs.
  • The maximum amount of allowed words for a negative term is 4.
  • For terms having more than 4 words, they are shortened and are added as a negative keyword.


  • Bad performing search term: silicon mat for baking cookies
  • Resulting negative keyword: silicon mat for baking

How does Term-Inator negate keywords and targets?

  • Phrase Campaign: Negative Exact
  • Broad Campaign:  Negative Exact
  • Auto Campaign:    Negative Exact

How do Keyword Miner & Term-Inator work together:

KWM and TI work every 6 hours monitoring 3 rules/thresholds that serve a triggers:

  • Max. Spend
  • Max. ACoS
  • Relevancy Sales (KWM)

Other variables that both KWM and TI monitor are:

  • Min. Action Clicks
  • Orders7

KWM and TI start working, when one of these 2 conditions are met:


KWM and TI Actions

The Customer Search Term reached Max Spend without sales.

TI negates regardless of the number of clicks the search term has

The Customer Search Term reached Min Action Clicks.

KWM and TI will then look at your ACoS:

  1. If ACoS is above the rule/threshold –> then TI will negate the search term.
  2. If ACoS is below the rule/threshold and Orders7 is equal or above Relevancy Trigger –> then KWM will mine the search term.

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