TIP&TRICKS: Choosing relevant Keywords

The problem is not finding a keyword, but picking the right keyword. And there are so many tools out there to find keywords.

There are 2000 to 3000 keywords related to your product.

There are so many tools out there to find keywords.

Another problem is identifying the strategy that will allow you cover as many keywords as possible without wasting lots of money.

Checklist on choosing your keywords:

Step 1
Determine Keyword temperature

Know the mindset of buyers at the time of typing the Search Term
Examine each keyword and try to understand what is the mindset of a potential buyer at the time s/he was typing that specific keyword or search term.

There are basically four or five different mindsets or temperatures, if that’s what you want to call them, that identify a buyer.

For each term that came out of the tools used for your research, you’re going to have to understand the color coding of the terms, what mindset each term represents, and build four buckets. I have five here because I also add Brand Aware. Basically, you’ll need four buckets.

What is a Buyer's product awareness journey:

Back Brace for lifting / swivel chair for home-office use

insert cold warm hot smiley icons

Buyer mindset

Buyer Keywords in Amazon search

Keyword Temp +
Seller action

0% - 3% expected CR

0% - 3% expected CR

medical equipment

man's gift

cold --> They are cold buyers.

As a seller, you don’t want to show your products to them.

Problem Aware
3% - 5% expected CR

back pain

less cold --> He has back pain and presented with many different options.

As a buyer which has not made up his mind yet on what to buy, he is going to click on several of these.
I’m not going to buy yet because I don’t know what to buy. I’m just searching “back pain”. I’m just trying to understand and learn about the solutions to know which solution would be the best for me.

As a seller I’m going to pay for clicks if you’re advertising here.

Solution Aware
5% - 15% expected CR

Amazon presents product listings:

  • acupressure mat
  • pain relief cream
  • back brace
  • lumbar cushion

warm --> As a buyer, he might have decided the best option for him. Again he clicked and still didn’t buy anything.

He might have decided that at this point, the “back brace” is the solution he wants to go for.

Product Aware
15% - 30% expected CR

posture correction

lumbar support


for lifting

hot -->  we start to enter the warm and hot area where the buyer is actually ready to buy. So, if I’m the buyer now, I’m going to Amazon and I’m going to buy a “back brace”. I’m going to search for “back brace”. Remember the initial problem, that we are selling a back brace for lifting. I’m a buyer, a UPS truck driver. I lift weights and I don’t yet know about the back brace specific for lifting. I’ll have to go through the search results which offer a lot of different back braces which may or may not fit what I want to buy. But fundamentally, I will see the Posture Correction Back Brace and Back Brace with Lumbar Support, and Breathable Back Braces, as well as Back Braces for Lifting.

Brand Aware
30% - 100% expected CR

At this stage, this is where the lights turn on for the buyer.  He sees ‘back brace for lifting’ and concludes that perhaps is exactly what he wants to buy.  He is ready to buy because he knows exactly what he wants to buy. He knows the product he is looking for exists, and he is going to click something from the search results, maybe one or two and perhaps buy it.

Step 2
Split all your keywords into 4 buckets and start advertising from Brand/Product Aware and move to colder temperatures once you have positive ROI.

A bucket for Product Aware, which is the broadest category;
A bucket for Solution Aware which is ‘back brace’ in our case for short-term keyword; A bucket for Problem Aware which in our case is ‘back pain’;

a bucket for Unaware where you can’t likely find keywords throughout Reverse ASINs or stuff like this. But just in case, have a bucket ready.

Of course, you’ll also need to a bucket for Brand Aware.

The hotter the keywords/terms , the higher expected Conversion Rate (CR).

Brand Aware keywords

If you bid on your brand keywords, Brand Aware keywords, you can have a really high conversion because people that typed your brand may not initially even want to buy your product but because they see your product, they’re going to click and buy.

So, you’re going to expect a crazy conversion rate of 30, 500 or 600% depending on what you have.

Product Aware keywords

On Product Aware, shoppers know that they want to buy that one if you show yourself at the right time. You will expect 15-30% conversion, which is pretty high.

On Solution Aware, if you just bid on ‘back braces’, you might not be offering the kind of back brace they need. Therefore, the conversion would be lower which is from 5-15%.

Of course, Problem Aware and Unaware are close to zero conversion.

Conversion Rate (CR) reflects on your ACoS. The higher the conversion rate, the lower your ACoS will be. So, if you guys want low ACoS, everybody wants low ACoS, you’re going to have to select your keywords properly.

My advice is to always start from your Product Aware and Brand Aware keywords. Those should be your first top, both for ranking and PPC. This should convert very good, right out of the gate and should generate a very good and positive cash flow.  And only once you have that positive cash flow, only when you know that you’re generating money out of this, then you can take the money you’re generating and testing keywords that are in those two buckets (Product Aware and Solution Aware).  That would be my advice to you guys.

How to know whether a keyword is a good keyword?

Which keyword:

Should I start with?

Should I invest in first?

(a) both on the side of building listing, and

(b) creating good titles, as well as,

on the PPC side,

Should I start bidding on?
