*Howto Re-subscribe your Zon Tools Subscription

You can re-subscribe from your Account dashboard.

When you encounter this error message asking you to Resubscribe, click the button and follow the next steps.

In case, for some other reason, you suddenly find your Zon Tools account is not working. You may need to Resubsribe.

To Re-subscribe:

  1. Login on zon.tools with your amazon sign in.
  2. On Zon Tools Menu, click Account Dashboard.
  3. Click My account.
  4. Click Edit and choose the type of subscription you want to re-subscribe.
  5. Click Resubscribe.
  6. If you have any coupon, apply the coupon by hitting xxx.
  7. On the checkout page, the message Complete checkout to re-subscribe appears.
  8. Click Setup My Account Now.

You will see your subscription ready and active in dashboard.

