FAQs: My newly created PGN campaigns don't look like they are being automated. Is this okay?

Customer Scenario:

I have just completed creating my PGN campaigns, but they don't seem to be automating.

Yes, it is correct to see that after PGN creation, there are no automatic changes that you can see on your campaign metrics.  To answer this question, let's go over several key concepts on the two systems: Amazon and ZonTools.

  1. In terms of Amazon, after you have created your PGN, your campaigns need to age before they can generate results or changes on your campaign metrics. Amazon's algorithm is skewed towards historical data. It takes awhile before results can be seen in your campaigns.  After creating your PGN campaigns, you need to allow the system to recognize your SKUs, (JEROLD/LALAINE aside from SKUs what other metrics can we mention?)  and start associating them.
  2. PPC results do not start showing in several hours or even days after the creation of your PGN campaigns. There is no cut and dried timeframe that works for all clients or campaigns. (JEROLD/LALAINE Is there a pattern we can cite? However, we have observed that proper results start to show in a week, or a month or two.  (JEROLD/LALAINE is the paragraph correct? What else can be added? How can I better explain this?)
  3. In terms of ZonTools, our automation is designed to kick in once your keyword/target reaches the minimum action clicks. Automation does not occur automatically after you entered your 7 rules for your PGNs (including non-PGN campaigns).  
  4. a) What is the timeframe before this occurs?  
  5.    Again, there is no standard duration across clients, campaigns or products  
  6.    when this minimum action clicks is achieved.
  7. b) When PGN campaigns are created, it means you have chosen parameters that
  8.    gear your campaigns towards PPC automation then optimization. These rules
  9.    that guide the system in bidding for your keyword/targets need to be enforced
  10.    and that takes time.
  11. c) Auto-Mate 3.0 is the automation engine that adjusts your bids accordingly
  12.    depending on whether the keyword (KW) or target generates a sale or not. If
  13.    the KW/target does not have a sale upon reaching the minimum action clicks,
  14.    then the bid is dropped to the minimum.

Results may come in as or more sales, or a decreasing ACoS, and your metrics improve every day as ZonTools discovers and tests new search terms.

After PGN campaign creation, you can use this checklist to help ensure your campaigns are prepped for automation.

2 Campaign settings to check after PGN creation:

  1. Your campaigns should be enabled.
  2. The best way to check whether your newly created PGN campaigns are correctly working is to check the status of your campaigns in your Amazon Seller Central. Check that the campaign status is Enabled and if all the other parameters are complete.
  3. LALAINE sa ZonTools di ba pwedeng malaman naman ung status ng campaign. why direct users to go to Amazon Central? Kasi ba sa delay ng Amazon API
  4. LALAINE ung use of the word complete, is it necessary? what other parameters to check in amazon seller central
  5. Your Stop Automation should be is turned off.
  6. The toggle's default is turned on which means all the automation engines are not activated.

JEROLD can we discuss this? when we had a skype call, iba ung nasa screen mo na list of items as checklist. nasaan na un?

  1. Are rules already set?
  2. Are certain metrics reached for parts of automation to start?

Knowing your business well would direct you to know what values to use for your rules. There are no right and wrong values. But we do have suggestions.
You can read up on rules, what would work or not in  https://www.classic.zon.tools/tutorials/1-basic-tutorials/1-1-automations-overview/1-1-8-rules-parameters/

LALAINE what other blog posts would help users understand rules and automation

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