FAQ: How do I find the list of keywords in my PGN?

user tim coleman or tod wallace

ZT v1.0

To check the list of keywords in your PGN

After login, follow the breadcrumbs for you to reach xxx

  1. On the xxx, click the smart navigation icon.
    Its the black compass icon that is found below your PGN name
  2. The Where do you want to go?  popup appears
  1. Click Keywords (PGN):
  2. The PGN on keywords table appears and you now have access to all the keywords for  

You have several options to

On how to export into a file the table of keywords:

keywords in PGN (ZT v1.0)

Once you are inside the keywords page you should see the export tab if you click on it you will see the available file types:

For ZT v2.0 users, see Campaign Info
