Compute for Rules using Rules Wizard

Compute for your campaign thresholds without a lot of hassle.

How does Rules Wizard work?

Rules Wizard guides you to know what are the initial values for your campaigns/PGN that are geared towards optimization. These values are variables in our Rules formulas.  

With your inputs and data from the latest Campaign Advertising Report ( by Amazon ), the Rules Wizard helps establish the specific Rules that would direct you to better profits. The default time frame is the last 60 days. This is the default duration the system will run your algorithm or review product data.


Rules Wizard neither analyzes nor automates your campaigns.

It is the Auto-Mate engine that optimizes your bids.

Why are Rules important?

Before automation is implemented you need to set your critical limits for each campaign/PGN. At the onset you need to establish what we call Rules so that your bid thresholds are implemented efficiently, resulting in stress-free bidding.

To help you determine what these rules are, and encode them properly, you need to launch Rules Wizard. It is a built-in calculator designed to help you find the most efficient campaign thresholds or Rules.

Each campaign/PGN needs to implement 7 rules or thresholds prior to automation. You can see these as data fields on your Rules popup.

7 Campaign/PGN Rules

  1. Target Max ACoS %
  2. Relevancy Sales
  3. Min Action Clicks #
  4. Max KW Spend $
  5. Min Bid $
  6. Max Bid $
  7. Change Rate % (change rate percentage)

There are no right or wrong values, as the system allows you to plug in whatever values you want to use, but of course, there are values that will work in your favor and those which will not. There are values which erode whatever profits you are gaining by making your ad campaigns bleed.

To set up your Rules using Rules Wizard:

As Rules Wizard serves to help you define the rules of your campaign/PGN, you need to enter several key metrics.

Step 1
Enter the values you have on hand in Rules Wizard.

On your Rules Wizard:

  1. Enter your Product Sale Price.
    This is the sale price of your product in this specific campaign. It answers the question: how much do you sell your product on your listing?
  2. Enter your Profit Margin (%).
    To get your Profit Margin, use this link:
  4. Enter your Product Margin After Ad Spend (%)
  5. This answers how much you expect to earn from PPC ads as a percentage of the unit sales price. Use zero (0) if you intend to reach break even levels for traffic, or launch your product for visibility purposes.

Step 2
Find other required values and enter them in Rules Wizard.  

To get the values of these 2 metrics: Average Cost Per Click  and Average Conversion Rate (%):  

Option 1:
Go back to the Sponsored Product dashboard. From the table on Campaigns tab/section:  

  1. Copy the value on the CPC column. Paste this value to the Average Cost Per Click data field in your Rules Wizard.
  1. (For clients who have been using Zt v1.0, this is your Average CPC with formula: Advertising Spend / Number of Clicks)
  2. Pro-Tip: To enlarge image: click the image.
  3. Copy the value on the  CR column. Paste this value to the Rules Wizard.

(For clients who have been using Zt ver1, this is your CR7 with formula: Number of orders / Number of clicks)

Option 2:

  1. Click the Product Group Network tab.
  2. From the table that appears, click the specific PGN you are working on.
  3. Click any of the 5 campaign types in the PGN.
  4. On the Campaign Info page, click Metrics.
  5. Copy the CPC and CR7 values from their respective columns in the table.  

Step 3
Use the default value 20% for Keyword Change Speed.

ZonTools limits your bid adjustments on keywords up to 20% by default, to accommodate for data delays by Amazon.

Step 4
Click Apply.

This action triggers the system to populate your 7 rules for this specific campaign/PGN. You can expect that all these rules will take effect instantly.

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