AIO DRAFT TIPS&TRICKS: Choosing the right Keywords

This box is very important.

tool tip

 Some time ago we had a discussion on Facebook on how to decide relevancy of the customer search terms for the product.

keywords relevance

Relevancy Trigger

Bids management is nowhere going to be useful if you are using the weak keywords. Half the battle is won once we can identify which of the thousands of keywords suggested and harvested through  either the Amazon Seller Central or other apps. You’re going to go for different tools that will give you a bunch of two or three thousand of keywords related to your product. You can go for reverse ASINs or even Google Adwords. There are so many tools out there to find keywords.

The first step is going through, filtering them and choosing the ones worth your ad spend.  The bottom line is determining the degree of how a search term/keyword is relevant to your product.

The best way to understand how relevant a custom search term for a product is, is how many sales it generated in a period of time.

Relevancy Box - the number of sales in the past 60 days that are required to determine if a customer search term is relevant to the product.

  • A value of zero (0) disables the Keyword Miner.
  • Most users use 2. By default we use 2 in all the accounts and all the campaigns. My opinion is that you can keep two everywhere.
  • Eventually, you might want to use 1 in all your exact campaigns as well as in the phrase campaigns in order to grow your core keywords organically quicker.
  • Whenever you’re phase matching a keyword, most probably, you may be able to put a relevancy trigger of 1 so that we could mine keywords more often. At the auto campaign level, you might want to use 2 or even 3. At the broad level, as well as the exact level, it is most likely 1.

So, we decided to use the last 60 days. We’ll ask you how many sales you need for the product or for that customer search terms to be deemed relevant and to be mined by Keyword Miner.

Whenever you’re phase matching a keyword, most probably, you may be able to put a relevancy trigger of 1 so that we could mine keywords more often. At the auto campaign level, you might want to use 2 or even 3. At the broad level, as well as the exact level, it is most likely 1.

My opinion is that you can keep two everywhere.

Eventually, you might want to use 1 in all your exact campaigns as well as in the phrase campaigns in order to grow your core keywords organically quicker.

Know that you have the choice on the user end. You can choose how often you want to trigger the Keyword Miner and how soon you want to mine new customer search terms.



Keyword Relevancy and how to choose them

my view on how users should choose keywords, both for PPC, as well as keywords that you should first target in order to rank for.

Something that I’ve seen a lot in the past 10 months working with you guys the users is a lot of misunderstanding and mistakes on

  • how to pick your keyword,
  • how to know a keyword is a good keyword,
  • which keyword to start with,
  • which keyword you should invest in first, both on the side of building listing, creating good titles, as well as, on the PPC side,
  • what keyword you should start bidding on.

how to choose them

keyword relevancy  

A very important concept that teaches you how to determine keyword temperature. The better you learn this, the more money you’re going to make online, specifically on Amazon.

The problem is not finding a keyword, but picking the right keyword. Another problem is identifying the strategy that will allow you to cover as many keywords as possible without wasting lots of money.

The skill of understanding the keyword temperature is a very good skill. It means you should take keyword after keyword, examine each one, and try to understand the mindset the buyer had at the time he was typing that specific keyword or search term.

5 keyword / search term temperatures

There are basically four or five different mindsets or temperatures, if that’s what you want to call them, that identify a buyer.

Let’s take an example. I’m selling “back brace for lifting”. The one for lifting weights. The same one the guys at Amazon wear all day when they pick and pack stuff. The one the US Track, FedEx, or DHL people wear when they carry your package around the world.

Now, a buyer might be looking to buy a present for somebody, a wife or a husband. If she/he’s unaware of the existence of this specific product, She/he might go around looking for medical equipment.

If I go on Amazon and search for medical equipment, there is so much stuff. As you see, there are so many things unrelated to anything and not specifically a back brace.

At this stage of the buyer, me looking for medical equipment, I don’t have a clue on what to buy. I know perhaps, I want to buy a gift but I have no idea what to buy. You don’t want to be the guy advertising for this unless you like the  strategy.

  1. This is a cold buyer: somebody getting into Amazon and searching for “Man’s Gift”. They are cold buyers, and you don’t want to show your products to them yet.
  2. Then, there is a buyer that is aware of a problem or need. A buyer that hopefully will end up buying our back brace for lifting is aware of his problem. His problem is back pain. This buyer which is a problem-aware buyer will go to Amazon and search “back pain”. Now, I am aware of the problem because I have back pain. I’m going to go through this search result to consider the several solutions available.
  3. I’ve got something here, “Migraine”, which is not really related to back pain. This is like a very bad buyer mindset match. But there is also a match here, “neck pain relief” and “back pain relief” that perhaps I want to buy.
  4. Perhaps, I want to buy a cream. Perhaps, I want to buy back brace posture corrector.
  5. I have other back brace examples here. I have some turmeric curcumin. I have some pain relievers. I see hot spray. You see, I have back pain but I’m presented with many different options. As a buyer which has not made up his mind yet on what to buy, I’m going to click on several of these. I’m going to pay for clicks if you’re advertising here. I’m not going to buy yet because I don’t know what to buy. I’m just searching “back pain”. I’m just trying to understand and learn about the solutions to know which solution would be the best for me.
  6. When we move to the warmer side, we find the buyer that has already looked into all the solutions because he searched for “back pain”. He looked into pretty much all the things that are here, which include acupressure mat, pain relief cream, back braces, and the lumbar cushion. As a buyer, he might have decided the best option for him. Again he clicked and still didn’t buy anything. He might have decided that at this point, the “back brace” is the solution he wants to go for. At this point, the buyer is Solution Aware.
  7. Now, we start to enter the warm and hot area where the buyer is actually ready to buy. So, if I’m the buyer now, I’m going to Amazon and I’m going to buy a “back brace”. I’m going to search for “back brace”. Remember the initial problem, that we are selling a back brace for lifting. I’m a buyer, a UPS truck driver. I lift weights and I don’t yet know about the back brace specific for lifting. I’ll have to go through the search results which offer a lot of different back braces which may or may not fit what I want to buy. But fundamentally, I will see the Posture Correction Back Brace and Back Brace with Lumbar Support, and Breathable Back Braces, as well as Back Braces for Lifting.
  8. And, boom! That’s where the lights turn on because I finally get a ‘lightbulb’ here when I see ‘back brace for lifting’.  And that’s perhaps exactly what I want to buy.

Once I understand that in the world exists actually, people like you guys that developed and launched into the market a product specifically for my situation, I’ll finally zero in and decide that I’m ready to buy. Now I know exactly what I want to buy. I know the product that I’m looking for exists, and I’m going to click something here from the search results, maybe one or two and perhaps buy it.

This is pretty much a normal buyer journey. Anybody does this. You guys did this before. When you search for a product on Amazon you do exactly this, right? You look at the top niche, health and beauty, and slowly go down and identify the product you want to sell. The buyer does exactly the same journey.

For each term generated by apps and tools in your keyword research, you need to to understand the color coding of the terms, what mindset each term represents, and build four buckets. I have five here because I also add Brand Aware. Basically, you’ll need four buckets.

  1. A bucket for Product Aware, which is the broadest category;
  2. A bucket for Solution Aware which is ‘back brace’ in our case for short-term keyword; A bucket for Problem Aware which in our case is ‘back pain’; a bucket for Unaware where you can’t likely find keywords throughout Reverse ASINs or stuff like this. But just in case, have a bucket ready.
  3. Of course, you’ll also need to a bucket for Brand Aware. Again, you’ll see that the hotter the terms here, the higher expected Conversion Rate you can have.
  4. If you bid on your brand keywords, Brand Aware keywords, you can have a really high conversion because people that typed your brand may not even want to buy you but because they see you they’re going to click and buy. So, you’re going to expect a crazy conversion rate of 30, 500 or 600% depending on what you have.
  5. On Product Aware, they know that you want to buy that one if you show yourself at the right time. You will expect 15-30% conversion, which is pretty high.
  6. On Solution Aware, if you just bid on ‘back braces’, you might not be offering the kind of back brace they need. Therefore, the conversion would be lower which is from 5-15%.
  7. Of course, Problem Aware and Unaware are close to zero conversion. Conversion Rate (CR) reflects on your ACoS. The higher the conversion rate, the lower your ACoS will be. So, if you guys want low ACoS, everybody wants low ACoS, you’re going to have to select your keywords properly.

How to start?

Step 1

To always start from your Product Aware and Brand Aware keywords.

Those should be your first top, both for ranking and PPC. This should convert very good, right out of the gate and should generate a very good and positive cash flow.  

Step 2

Test your Product Aware and Solution Aware keywords

And only once you have that positive cash flow, only when you know that you’re generating money out of this, then you can take the money you’re generating and testing keywords that are in those two buckets (Product Aware and Solution Aware).  That would be my advice to you guys.

BONUS TIP: As we know, we cannot decide the headline of our responsive products; it’s fixed by our product title but we can decide the headline search ads.

Here is a quote from Gene Schwartz, and it says:

If the buyer is aware of your product and has realized it can satisfy his desire, your headline should start with the product.”

So, whenever you run HSA for ‘back brace’, you need to input ‘back brace for lifting by our …’

“If he/she is not aware of your product, but only aware of the desire itself, your headline starts with the desire.”

The desire in our case is to buy a back brace. We don’t know specifically what back brace we need but we can say, ‘you need a back brace, buy our lifting back brace to relieve lower back pain if you lift weights …”

“If he/she is not aware of what he really seeks but is concerned with the general problem, our headline starts with the problem and crystalizes it into a specific product.”

So, if you’re targeting keywords for back pain, you should sell “having back pain? try our back brace for…”

Applicable to marketing search, keyword search and product ranking and bidding:

  • Always remember the conversion rate of a keyword. If you want to make money right out of the gate, then you only have to focus on your Product Aware and Brand Aware keywords (buckets).
