How can I use a PixelMe link in a Google ad?

It's possible to use a shortened, retargeting-enabled PixelMe link in a Google ad. I just requires a small workaround 😊

First, create your link in whatever way you'd like. You can add UTMs and retargeting pixels as well. Copy the shortened link.

Head over to your Google Ads account, and set up an ad in whichever way best suits you.

Navigate to your Campaigns → Ad groups, and either create a new ad or edit a campaign you're already running.

The most important part here is that when you're writing your ad copy, you expand the 'Ad URL options' at the bottom of the page and paste your shortened link in the tracking template.

In the "Final URL", put the URL as it was before you shortened it.

That's all! You should now be able to launch your ad and retarget the clicks on your link. 💪

Not a PixelMe user yet? 👉Try PixelMe for free, the URL shortener for savvy marketers! Turn every link you share into perfectly targeted ads. 🚀
