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Finance & Lending


<svg xmlns="" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 87 12"> <path fill="#fff" d="M.251 0h.174l2.05.064a.342.342 0 0 1 .28.162L5.55 4.797a.084.084 0 0 0 .143 0L8.529.118a.155.155 0 0 1 .133-.074h2.182c.15 0 . 7.03a.332.332 0 0 0-.048.172l-.016 3.634c0 .03-.013.06-.034.08a.112.112 0 0 1-.08.033l-2.29-.01a.1.1 0 0 1-.091-.062.096.096 0 0 1-.007-.038c.004-.938.206-3.409-.24-4.137L.034.192C-.031.086-. 0Zm48.616 0h.053l2.187.031a.24.24 0 0 1 .236.24l.002 8.519c0 . 0 0 0 .053.023l5.334.059c.027 0 . 1.79a.12.12 0 0 1-.122.124l-7.8-.02a.14.14 0 0 1-.097-.042.136.136 0 0 1-.04-.096L48.867 0ZM11.918 10.926c-.683.062-1.738.033-2.433-.035a.063.063 0 0 1-.056-.059c0-.01.001-.02.005-.028L14.272.109a.123.123 0 0 1 .111-.072l2.323.026a.155.155 0 0 1 .141.091l4.825 10.645a.111.111 0 0 1-. 0 0 1-.09.05l-2.209.003a.417.417 0 0 1-.418-.28l-.811-1.968a.122.122 0 0 0-.11-.075l-4.97-.017a.141.141 0 0 0-.132.087l-.878 2.128a.155.155 0 0 1-.129.096Zm1.903-4.303a.057.057 0 0 0 .054.078l3.312.007a.058.058 0 0 0 .052-.08l-1.65-3.96a.057.057 0 0 0-.052-.035.057.057 0 0 0-.053.035L13.82 6.623Zm17.237.752a.11.11 0 0 0-.066.12c. 3.242c. 0 0 1-.364-.19l-1.927-2.758a.164.164 0 0 0-.136-.071H26.33a.106.106 0 0 0-.107.106l.008 2.778a.141.141 0 0 1-.142.142l-2.333-.005a.096.096 0 0 1-.096-.096V.138a.085.085 0 0 1 .086-.086c2.538-.009 4.11-.006 4.712.01 2.087.048 4.104.814 4.663 3.055.432 1.727-.394 3.561-2.064 4.258Zm-4.726-1.477c1.528.103 4.044.334 4.29-1.583.323-2.539-2.787-2.29-4.312-2.16a.093.093 0 0 0-. 0 0 0-.025.065l.01 3.542a.106.106 0 0 0 .1.106Zm19.771-2.766c.92 1.824.658 4.278-.698 5.87-1.59 1.863-3.824 1.922-6.083 1.96-1.185.021-2.373.02-3.564-.003a.209.209 0 0 1-.205-.21L35.546.174c0-.027.01-.053.03-.073a.108.108 0 0 1 .072-.031 95.75 95.75 0 0 1 5.515.05c2.128.082 3.982 1.113 4.94 3.013Zm-7.971-.88a96.886 96.886 0 0 0-.039 6.558.068.068 0 0 0 .066.066c2.132.038 4.763.354 5.682-2.048.648-1.694-.169-4.106-2.117-4.524-.929-.2-2.096-.248-3.502-.146a.095.095 0 0 0-. 0 0 0-.027.064Z"/> <path fill="#717171" d="m61.868 11.146-2.394-.002L59.448.139c0-.025.01-.049.026-.067a.091.091 0 0 1 .066-.027h2.326a.1.1 0 0 1 . 0 0 1 .029.07c.059 3.669.027 7.337-.096 11.004Z"/> <path fill="#fff" d="M72.735 6.396c. 0 0 1 .038-.092.133.133 0 0 1 .094-.038l2.131.002a.244.244 0 0 1 .244.243l.002 10.556a.127.127 0 0 1-.127.127l-1.552-.003a.809.809 0 0 1-.65-.305L68.073 4.56c-.124-.148-.184-.126-.183.066l.024 6.244a.105.105 0 0 1-. 0 0 1-.042.006l-2.197-.047a.195.195 0 0 1-.192-.195L65.384.143a.1.1 0 0 1 .03-.07.097.097 0 0 1 .068-.03h1.573c.272 0 .495.105.668.314l5.012 6.039Zm14.266 2.582v.566l-.054 1.301a.085.085 0 0 1-.085.082h-8.174a.258.258 0 0 1-.26-.26L78.43.128a.085.085 0 0 1 .086-.085l7.936.005a.278.278 0 0 1 .277.274l.016 1.633a.09.09 0 0 1-. 0 0 1-.062.026l-5.532.043a.178.178 0 0 0-.176.176l-.007 2.081a.115.115 0 0 0 .115.115l4.909-.016a.118.118 0 0 1 .118.117l.007 1.731a.113.113 0 0 1-.113.113l-4.92-.005a.11.11 0 0 0-.109.11v2.28a.15.15 0 0 0 .151.153l5.9.037Z"/> <path fill="#000" d="M30.623 4.315c-.246 1.917-2.762 1.686-4.29 1.583a.106.106 0 0 1-.098-.106l-.01-3.542a.093.093 0 0 1 .087-.096c1.525-.129 4.635-.378 4.31 2.161Zm7.473 4.495a96.82 96.82 0 0 1 .038-6.558c0-.024.01-.047.027-.065a.095.095 0 0 1 .063-.029c1.406-.102 2.574-.053 3.502.146 1.949.418 2.765 2.83 2.118 4.524-.92 2.402-3.55 2.086-5.682 2.048a.068.068 0 0 1-.066-.066ZM13.82 6.622l1.664-3.954a.057.057 0 0 1 .106 0l1.649 3.96a.058.058 0 0 1-. 0 0 1-.027.007L13.875 6.7a.058.058 0 0 1-.054-.079Z"/> </svg>


"Yardline is a personalized ecommerce funding, including multiple types of credit products and funding from $5K-$20M in as little as 24 hrs."




Zyla offers global multi-currency accounts for easy cross-border payments without needing overseas entities.



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eFunder is a financing platform providing small to medium sized businesses with instant cash and consistent cash flow against receivables.


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