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July 23, 2024
Shannon Curley
AI & Automation

How to Create Powerful AI Amazon Product Listings

How to Create Powerful AI Amazon Product Listings
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Creating powerful Amazon listings is essential for attracting customers and boosting sales.

Artificial Intelligence can help.

Let’s take a look at strategies and tools you can use to create and optimize your AI Amazon product listings.

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The Rise of AI in Amazon Product Listings

The text of your listings plays a crucial role in converting potential buyers. A good listing should clearly convey what your product is, its benefits, and why it’s better than the competition.

Keyword optimization gets your product in front of the right shoppers, your listing closes the deal.

Without compelling listing copy, even well-optimized keywords may not lead to conversions.

AI is helping more and more each day with that one-two punch.

How Does It Even Work?

As popular as AI has become, many sellers either:

  • Have not yet incorporated it into their processes, or
  • Still aren’t sure exactly how it works

The AI we’re talking about these days is “generative” AI, in that it generates responses from a huge library of information. It isn’t intelligent in the strictest sense, but because it’s drawing from, basically, the entire internet (there’s a lot of info on the internet, by the way), it’s able to quickly put together descriptions that are uncanny in their relevance.

RELATED: AI in Ecommerce: How Artificial Intelligence is Transforming Online Businesses

Want a taste of how AI works?

If you’ve not directly experienced AI in action, a quick (and super easy) way to give AI a test drive is by using the Copilot feature in Microsoft Bing

Simply type your question or instructions into the “Ask me anything” box at the bottom and watch Copilot grind out your request. The more detail you provide, the more amazing the results.

Playing with that gives you an idea of exactly how AI works, and will also fire your imagination as to how you might put AI to work for you.

RELATED: AI in Business: How to Find the Right Tools to Make Selling on Amazon Easier

Amazon’s Vested Interest

Here we’re talking Amazon product listings, and, as it turns out, Amazon themselves have developed an AI tool specifically for this purpose.

After all, product listings that convert are not just in your best interest, they’re quite decidedly in Amazon’s best interest as well.

In their own words:

“Amazon is continuing to innovate on how it helps sellers succeed by giving them the option to provide a URL to their own website and leverage a new generative AI capability to easily create high-quality product detail pages in Amazon’s store.”

Amazon AI services for sellers helps enhance product listings, thereby enhancing results across the board. You can now even point Amazon’s AI to a picture of your product, and the AI will take it from there.

Yes, the AI revolution is here.

Read more here to begin your Amazon AI journey.

Benefits of AI Amazon Product Listings

Bionic hand and human hand finger pointing

AI has taken the world by storm for very good reason. The benefits are many.

When it comes to text generation and product listings:

  • Product listings can be generated quickly.
  • AI makes use of known, successful patterns.
  • Using AI means you don’t have to face down your own creative or writing blocks.
  • Did we say it’s fast?

As with any new technology there are challenges as well, which we’ll discuss in the next section.

First let’s take a closer look at how AI can help.

AI Generated Descriptions

AI generated descriptions leverage language patterns and data, producing compelling content that resonates with customers.

AI has access to reams of relevant info, and can therefore use the right combinations of keywords and text descriptions to create listings that convert.

Efficiency and Quality Improvements

AI streamlines the process of creating descriptions. You may use an Amazon listing template and simply input key details like product name, key features, unique selling points, and customer reviews. 

Use the AI tool to generate content for each section of the template. Ensure you provide specific prompts to the AI for each section.


Prompt: “Write a detailed product description for an ergonomic office chair highlighting its comfort, durability, and ease of assembly.”

The tool then generates well-crafted product page content, saving you effort and ensuring consistency.

Not only that, AI product descriptions include known, relevant keywords, improving your product's search engine visibility. Amazon SEO is positively impacted through the use of AI-generated texts. More on that later.

Amazon Product Listing Optimization

By optimizing your listings using AI you draw upon that same huge dataset to which AI has access, further refining results.

The impact on conversions, and therefore your sales bottom line, can be dramatic.

RELATED: What Are The Pros And Cons Of Using AI To Optimize Your Amazon Listings?

Amazon SEO

AI is revolutionizing many industries, and ecommerce is no exception. Amazon sellers, in particular, can leverage AI to enhance their search engine optimization (SEO) efforts, thereby boosting their product rankings and sales.

Here’s how AI and Amazon SEO complement each other:

1. AI-Powered Tools for Keyword Insights

AI-powered solutions like SellerTools by Carbon6 utilize machine learning algorithms to analyze vast amounts of data, identifying the most effective keywords for product listings. These tools can uncover high-volume and long-tail keywords that might not be immediately obvious but are highly relevant to what potential buyers are searching for.

For example, an AI-driven tool might reveal that a keyword like "ergonomic office chair" has high search volume and low competition. Consider optimizing your product titles, descriptions, and backend keywords to include this phrase, improving your chances of ranking higher in search results.

RELATED: Organic Ranking 101: Everything You Need to Know to Boost Your Rank on Amazon

2. AI-Driven Competitor Insights

AI tools can continuously monitor competitors’ listings, pricing strategies, and keyword usage. By understanding what competitors are doing, sellers can adjust their own strategies to stay competitive.An AI tool like AMZ Alert by Carbon6 might detect a top competitor’s changes in rank, price and Buy Box status. You can then analyze these changes and consider similar optimizations to your own listings.

3. AI for Customer Feedback Analysis

AI can analyze customer reviews to extract insights about product performance and customer satisfaction. This information can be used to improve product listings and customer service.For instance, Manage By Stats by Carbon6 can be used to analyze reviews, identifying common keywords and sentiments. If customers frequently mention the comfort of an office chair, this keyword can be highlighted in the product listing to attract more buyers.

4. Forecasting Trends with AI

AI can predict future trends by analyzing historical data and current market conditions. This allows sellers to anticipate demand and optimize their inventory and listings accordingly. SoStocked by Carbon6 can predict an increase in demand for home office furniture based on recent search trends and seasonal data. You can then prepare by optimizing your listings and ensuring adequate inventory.

RELATED: Amazon Reorder Point: How to Calculate for Restocking

Competitive Advantages: Why AI Matters in Amazon Ecommerce

So … what are the main reasons this matters?

AI has been a major factor in propelling Amazon to the forefront of ecommerce, through things like:

  • Improved Search Experience
  • Smarter Product Recommendations
  • Workflow Enhancement

Beyond product listings, AI has helped in areas as diverse as customer service, sales forecasting and inventory management. In addition, AI can be tasked with other functions, such as:

  • Competitor Research – using AI to gather similar product listings from competitors.
  • VOC (Voice of Customer) Data Gathering – having AI collect customer reviews from top-performing products in order to get a gauge of the language customers are using.
  • Keyword Research – putting AI to work gathering and compiling top-performing keywords.

Using AI has demonstrated a clear, competitive advantage.

It is not, however, without its challenges.

Navigating the Challenges and Limitations of Using AI for Product Descriptions

Code projected over woman

One of the biggest things with Artificial Intelligence is oversight. As great as AI is, it needs monitoring.

Kind of like a hotshot young fighter pilot; their talent and effectiveness may be clear, but the commander still needs to keep an eye out to guard against stupid errors.

Combining AI with Human Oversight

There may come a day (there likely will) when AI can be utterly trusted without needing cross checks. At this stage of the game, however, it’s best to apply your human eye, or that of an experienced Amazon product description writer, to do a quick review of what your AI workers are turning out.

This doesn’t need to take long, but a quick once-over to spot anything that needs tweaking is a good idea.

Most of the time everything will be great. In fact, another plus: by reviewing what the AI has suggested you may even up your own knowledge base.

Remember; the AI may not be “smart”, but it’s pulling from tons of data. Making it kind of an expert.

Many times there’s something there to be learned.

Key Features of AI Tools for Amazon Listings

With AI tools you can create listings with the right keywords and the right message just like an expert but in only a few short minutes.

To implement what we’ve been talking about, what tools do you need?

Implementing AI Tools for Amazon Listings

A few that can help (and one from us):

  • AI Listing Architect: This tool generates optimized Amazon listings based on a product description and a competitor’s ASIN. It creates titles, bullet points, and product descriptions.
  • Percy AI: Use Percy AI to create and optimize Amazon listings. Enter product details, generate the listing, and then optimize it using tools like ContentPlus by Carbon6.
  • Simplified AI: Simplified can instantly create effective Amazon product descriptions. Fill out the required fields, and the AI generates on-brand content for your listing.

Those are examples, but bear in mind the field of AI is growing.

A little research should lead you to the right AI tool for you.

RELATED: 5 Easy Ways Amazon Sellers Can Use ChatGPT to Increase Profits

Future Trends: The Evolution of AI in Amazon Ecommerce

We mentioned a few current trends for the application of AI, such as customer service, sales forecasting and inventory management, but where else might AI in ecom be headed?

A few future trends we’ll likely see:

  • Personalized product recommendations: the ability to offer relevant recommendations based on customer preferences.
  • Visual search: using AI to search for products based on images.
  • Voice commerce: voice-activated shopping experiences.
  • Chatbots and virtual assistants: AI-powered guides.
  • AI-enabled ecommerce fraud prevention: detecting and preventing fraudulent activities.

And there will likely be others.

How, then, should this be affecting your outlook as an Amazon seller?

What AI Amazon Product Listings Mean for You

No matter whether you’re a business owner, an agency owner, or an aggregator, if you’re selling products on Amazon, AI can make life easier.

The biggest takeaway from these latest developments in AI should probably be something along the lines of:

Start adopting AI Amazon product listings.

In some capacity. The easiest way to get started? Begin using AI for the time-intensive text-generation facets of your Amazon business, such as for product titles, bullet points, and descriptions.

If you’ve put AI to work for you already, great. In using AI, even for simple tasks, not only are you gaining the advantages it provides, you’re doing something just as vital at this stage:

You’re becoming familiar with the technology.

Because as AI evolves, as those future trends come into play and become commonplace, being on the curve already will help tremendously when it comes time to adopt the next AI tech.

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Amazon reduced the reimbursement window by 88.89%, from 18 months to 60 days starting October 23, 2024.
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The Role of Carbon6

Having a partner in your corner helps. Carbon6 exists to be that partner, providing many tools and services for Amazon sellers, agencies, and aggregators.

But it’s not just that.

We’re here to connect, to help, to foster community, to offer insight. Built by Amazon sellers and software founders who’ve learned what it takes to excel in unpredictable environments as entrepreneurs, we have numerous groups you can join, focused on things like:

  • Private Label
  • Wholesale
  • Advertising
  • Operations

We’re a community of Amazon sellers, and we’re standing by to help.

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